Bezdomny [Homeless],
pen name of Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyryov
Bezdomny is a young poet at the beginning of the novel. His long antireligious
poem is critiqued by Berlioz in the first chapter because his Jesus turned
out "too alive, a Jesus who exists."
Bezdomny's name recalls that of Demyan Bedny [Poor], real name Efim Alexeevich
Pridvorov (1883-1945), who also wrote antireligious works in the 20s, e.
g. The New Testament without Defects of the Evangelist Demyan. His name
is also like that of Alexander Ilich Bezymensky [Nameless] (1898-1973),
a proletarian poet who wrote a play that parodied, in part Bulgakov's "Day's
of the Turbins." At the same time the semantics of Bezdomny's name
connect him with themes of homelessness, poverty, and other names in the
novel like Bosoi [Barefoot].
Bezdomny's first name, Ivan, links him with the Russian folkloric character
"Ivanushka durachok" -- Ivan the Fool, who may be stupid, but
whose ineptitude wins him both success and sympathy from the Russian public.
He is called Ivanushka in Chapter 30. |