ARROSTO roast-beef
- 1- molto fumo e poco arrosto
- all bones and no meat
BRACE live coal
- 1- cadere dalla padella nella brace
- to worsen one's own situation
CACIO cheese
- 1- come il cacio sui maccheroni
- just about perfect
- 2- al contadino non far sapere quanto è buono il cacio con le pere
- hide your privileges from those who could want to have part in them
CARNE meat
- 1- metter troppa carne al fuoco
- to have to many irons in the fire
CAVOLO cabbage
- 1- starci come il cavolo a merenda
- to be utterly and absolutely out of place
- 2- non me ne importa un cavolo
- I don't give a damn'
FARINA flour
- 1- non essere farina del proprio sacco
- said of something one cannot claim credit for
- 1- essere finocchio
- to be gay
FRUTTA fruit
- 1- essere alla frutta
- to be almost exhausted
OLIO oil
- 1- andar liscio come l'olio
- to work out beautifully, to go as smooth as silk
PANE bread
- 1- buono come il pane
- as good as gold
- 2- dir pane al pane (e vino al vino)
- to call a spade a spade
- 3- mangiare il pane a ufo
- not to earn one's keep
- 4- render pan per focaccia
- to give tit for tat
- 5- togliersi il pane di bocca
- to make all sort of sacrifices
- 6- trovar pane per i propri denti
- to meet one's match
PASTA pasta
- 1- pasta al dente
- perfect way to cook pasta, i.e., slightly undercooked
- 2- essere una pasta d'uomo (pasta has here the meaning "batter", "mould")
- to be gentle and kind
PAPPA soup, porridge
- 1- mangiare la pappa in capo a qualcuno
- to be taller or smarter than someone else
- 2- avere la pappa scodellata
- to obtain things without effort
PATATA potato
- 1- essere una patata lessa
- to be clumsy and lazy
PESCE fish
- 1- non essere né carne né pesce
- to be neither fish nor fowl
- 1- essere come il prezzemolo
- to be always present, bothering everybody
SALE salt
- 1- aver sale in zucca
- to have good common sense, to have a brain in one's head
- 2- essere salato
- to be very expensive
UOVO egg
- 1- camminare sulle uova
- to act very carefully
- 2- essere pieno come un uovo
- to be full to the brim
- 3- rompere le uova nel paniere
- to spoil someone's plans
- 4- meglio un uovo oggi che una gallina domani
- it is better to take advantage of an occasion now than to let it pass hoping for a better one in the future
- 1- mandare a farsi friggere
- to tell someone off, to send him packing
- 2- un fritto misto
- a mix of any kind of unrelated people, words or things
- 1- mangiare a quattro palmenti
- to eat heartily
- 2- mangiare a ufo
- to eat for free