Old Book References


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The following works cited list records all the references that we used throughout the duration of this process. Please feel free to look them over and we hope you enjoyed the website.

"Address of Rev. Benjamin Labaree ." The 51st Annual Report of the American  Colonization Society. Washington: 1868. Print.

“The African-American Mosaic.” A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of a  Black History and Culture. Library of Congress, 2010. Web. 1 Feb 2012.  <http://www.loc.gov/  exhibits/african/afam002.html>.

"American Colonization Society." Africans in America. WBGH, 1999. Web. 1 Feb 2012.

"American Colonization Society." . Denison University, n.d. Web. 1 Feb 2012. <http://personal.denison.edu/~waite/liberia/history/acs.htm>.

Arthur Barclay to J.C. Braman, 13 March 1889. Correspondence 1871-1889.  Middlebury College Special Collections.

Benjamin Labaree to Rev. F. Butler, 16 September 1863. Correspondence 1871-1889. Middlebury College Special Collections.

Buckeye, Robert. The Mind of Winter: The Life of Martin Freeman. East Middlebury: Quarry Books, 2009. 1-7. Print.

"Departure of Emigrants." The African Repository. 40. Washington: American Colonization Society, 1864. Print.

"Emigrants Sent." The African Repository. 39. Washington: American Colonization Society, 1863. Print.

“Freeman, Martin. Class of 1849.” Found in Martin Freeman Folder. Middlebury College Special Collections.

Harper, Douglas. "American Colonization Society." Slavery In The North. N.p., 2003. Web. 1 Feb 2012. <http://www.slavenorth.com/colonize.htm>.

"Historical Society Focuses on Freeman." Rutland Herald 30 Sept. 1996, n. p. Print.

"Hope for the Negro." The African Repository. 39. Washington: American Colonization Society, 1863. Print.

Irvine, Russell. "Martin H. Freeman of Rutland America's First Black College Professor and Pioneering Black Social Activist." Rutland Historical Society Quarterly. 26.3 (1996): 81-84. Print.

Martin Freeman to Board of Trustees of Liberia College, 30 November 1886. Correspondence 1871-1889.  Middlebury College Special Collections.

Martin Freeman to Charlotte Chaffee, 2 August 1880. Correspondence 1871-1889. Middlebury College Special Collections.

Martin Freeman to J.C. Braman, 10 September 1887. Correspondence 1871-1889.  Middlebury College Special Collections.

Martin Freeman to J.C. Braman, 18 October 1887. Correspondence 1871-1889.  Middlebury College Special Collections.

Martin Freeman to Joseph Tracy, 14 July 1863. Correspondence 1871-1889. Middlebury College Special Collections.

“Midd. Register--21 October 1863--Blacks and College (Freeman).” Found in Martin Freeman Folder. Middlebury College Special Collections.



The following page lists all of the references that we used throughout the duration of our research.