Catalan Review
The journal of the North American Catalan Society

Current Issue Board Members Submission Past issues NACS Main Page

Current Issue

Catalan Review, volume XV, number 2, 2001.

"Walking the republic of letters: Mercè Rodoreda and modernist tradition"
by Christine Arkinstall

"Marriage and well-being in Jaume Roig's Spill"
by Jean Dangler

"The angel and the desk: Reading, work, and domesticity in La fabricanta"
by Kathleen Davis

"The town and the city in the narrative of Narcís Oller"
by Toni Dorca

From Ekphrasis to short story: Carme Riera's dis(abling) of the image in Una primavera per a Domenico Guarini and Epitelis tendríssims"
by Josefina González

"Agents of an intersystem: Contributions of the Cuba-based diaspora to the construction of the nation in Galicia and Catalonia"
by Thomas S. Harrington

"The late realist novel and art-horror: Marià Vayreda's La punyalada and the question of genre"
by Timothy McGovern

"Fact to fiction: Catalan history retold"
¨by Kathleen McNerney

"Català i castellà en contacte en 1991-92"
by Margaret Simmons

Catalan Review, volume XIV, numbers 1-2, 2000. Guest editors: Josep-Miquel Sobrer and Joan Ramon Resina

"Josep Roca-Pons (1914-2000): A remembrance"
by Philip D. Rasico

"Poder, traducció, política"
by Francesc Parcerisas

"Cultural capital: The play of language, gender, and nationality in Carme Riera"
by Maryellen Bieder

"'Modern' and 'moderno': Modernist studies, 1898, and Spain"
by Brad Epps

"Autochtonous conflicts, foreign fictions: The capital as metaphor for the nation"
by Elisa Martí-López

"Breaking the social contract: El Comte Arnau, violence, and production in the Catalan mountains at the turn of the century"
by Dorothy Noyes

"National literatures and interliterary communities in Spain and Catalonia"
by Mario Santana

"The moving mountain: Aporias of nineteenth-century Catalan ideology"
by Josep-Miquel Sobrer

Cultural information from Catalan-speaking lands 1999 (II) and 2000 (I)

Book reviews


Catalan Review, volume XIII, numbers 1-2, 1999. Homage Volume for Professor Joseph Gulsoy. Guest editors: Philip Rasico, Donna Rogers, and Curt Wittlins

"Joseph Gulsoy: an appreciation"
by Donna Rogers

"Laudatio Academica of Professor Joseph Gulsoy on occasion of a Honory Doctorate from the University of Valencia on February 24th 1999"
by Antoni Ferrando

"Trenta nàufrags toponímics. Apel.latius de molt baixa freqüència a les Illes Balears"
by Cosme Aguiló

"La conservació de les vocals posttòniques internes en català, occità i castellà: una nova explicació"
by Emili Casanova

"Discordia Concors: a reply to J. Gulsoy's articles on cat. Inxa, cast. Hincha, and port. Incha"
by Germà Colon

"Aportacions de les edicions de textos al coneixement de la llengua catalana dels segles XVI, XVII i XVIII"
by Joaquim Martí i Mestre

"Use and disuse of Catalan anthroponims in Elx, 1565-1738"
by Antoni Mas i Miralles and Brauli Montoya Abat

"Toponímia antiga de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat"
by Josep Moran i Ocerinjauregui

"The rondalles del Baix Vinalopó: motifs of a legend"
by Edward Neugaard

"St. Patrick's purgatory. The waning of a legend"
by Arseni Pacheco

"El sincretisme morfològic com a factor de canvi sintàctic"
by Joan-Rafel Ramos

"The ordinacions de la Vall de Ribes (1347): an edition and linguistic study"
by Philip Rasico

"Valencian within contemporary standard Catalan: an approximation"
by Abelard Saragossà

"La centralització de la [o] àtona en català: del clotell al clatell"
by Joan Veny

"Francesc Eiximenis and the 'sins of the tongue'. Observations on a semantic field"
by Curt Wittlin

Cultural information from Catalan-speaking lands 1998 (II) and 1999 (I)

Book reviews

Catalan Review, volume XII, number 2, 1998

"El doble exili dels poetes catalans a Mèxic"
by Manuel Duran

"Portrait of a writer and verbal connections between the art and literature of Mercè Rodoreda"
by Kathryn Everly

"Role-playing and the (de)construction of Catalan identities in Montserrat Roig's L'òpera quotidiana"
by Stewart King

"Roda el món i torna al... quilombo: The travel diaries of Joaquim Miret i Sans"
by Philip Rasico

"Carme Riera's Una primavera per a Domenico Guarini and the web of ruptures and unities of the 'Action Painting'"
by Esther Raventós-Pons

"L'oralitat en la cultura burgesa: literatura i tertúlies femenines a la Baixa Edat Mitjana"
by Xavier Vellón Lahoz

"On the King's Chancellor: Chapter 680 of Francesc Eiximeni's Dotzè del Crestià"
by David J. Viera

Cultural information from Catalan-speaking lands 1998 (I)

Book reviews

Catalan Review, volume XII, number 1, 1998

"Nationalism and language in Catalan and Irish contemporary short stories: Feminist and postcolonial perspectives"
by Irene Boada

"Capitols singulars deles llauors que deuras sembrar: A late medieval planting guide for the Spanish Levant"
by Thomas M. Capuano

"Pere Calders i Massimo Bontempelli: Fonaments ideològics, estètics i constructius de la seva obra"
by Montserrat Corretger

"Nineteenth-century American travel writings on the Catalan-speaking community"
by Pere Gifra

"Verdaguer and the Minhocão"
by David T. Haberly

"The 'Crit de Llibertat' of J. V. Foix"
by C. Brian Morris

"The raw edges of the mind: Sandra Cisneros reads Mercè Rodoreda"
by Mary S. Pollock

"Women alone: Solitude, silence, and selfhood in Caterina Albert and Sibilla Aleramo"
by Pilar V. Rotella

"The 1412 Caspe arbitrance: Justice, plebiscite, or manifest destiny?"
by Curt Wittlin

Catalan Review, volume XI, numbers 1-2, 1997

"Opera, nationalism, and class in contemporary Spain: Reactions to the burning of Barcelona's Liceu"
by Stanley Brandes

"Entorn d'una tipologia dels personatges femenins en la catalana del primer terç del segle XX"
by Montserrat Corretger

"The complication of the narrative technique in 15th century prose literature on love: The Somni de Francesc Alegre recitant lo procés d'una qüestió enamorada"
by Antonio Cortijo Ocaña

"Joana E.: Transgressing taboos"
by Susan Lucas Dobrian

"The religious poetry of Bernat Fenollar, Joan Escrivà, and Roís de Corrella in its literary context"
by Marinela Garcia Sempere

"Algunes consideracions sobre la relació entre les faules del Llibre de les Bèsties de Ramon Llull i l'original oriental"
by Llúcia Martín Pascual

"Translating the thousand voices of Gualba"
by Mary Ann Newman

"Women, war, and exile: Anna Murià's Aquest serà el principi"
by Michael Ugarte

"The fifteenth-century Catalan preterit"
by Maurice Westmoreland

Bibliographic and thematic index to Catalan Review
by Mercè Vidal-Tibbits

Cultural information from Catalan-speaking lands 1997 (I)

Book reviews


Board Members

Emeritus Editor
Manuel Duran (Yale U)
August Bover (U de Barcelona)
Josep Miquel Sobrer (Indiana U)
Managing Editor
Mercè Vidal-Tibbits (Howard U)
Assistant Editors
Donna Rogers (Middlebury College)
Maria-Rosa Lloret (U de Barcelona)
Jaume Martí-Olivella (Allegheny College)
Curt J. Wittlin (U of Saskatchewan)
Advisory Editors Editorial Board
Arseni Pacheco (Vancouver)
Geoffrey Ribbans (Providence)
Antoni M. Badia i Margarit (Barcelona)
Miquel Batllori (Roma)
Joan Bastardas (Barcelona)
Robert Burns (Los Angeles)
Jordi Carbonell (Barcelona)
Josep M. Castellet (Barcelona)
Joan Coromines (late)
Claudio Guillén (Cambridge, EUA)
Joseph Gulsoy (Toronto)
Albert Hauf (València)
Josep Massot i Muntaner (Montserrat)
Joaquim Molas (Barcelona)
Joaquim Muns (Barcelona)
Joan Veny (Barcelona)

Patricia J. Boehne (Eastern College)

David Cardús (Baylor College of Medicine)
Manuel A. Esteban (California State U)
Antonio Ferrando (U de València)
Francesc Fontbona (Biblioteca de Catalunya)
Kahleen McNerney (West Virginia U)
Gregori Mir (Fundació Congrés de Cultura Catalana)
Albert Porqueras-Mayo (U of Illinois)
Jordi Porta (Fundació Bofill)
Philip D. Rasico (Vanderbilt U)
Nathaniel B. Smith (Franklin and Marshall College)
Bradley S. Epps (Harvard U)
Sharon G. Feldman (U of Richmond)
Patricia Lunn (Michigan State U)
Montserrat Piera (Temple U)
Joan Ramon Resina (Cornell U)
Pere Verdaguer (U de Perpinyà)
Enric Balaguer (Alacant)
Giusseppe Grilli (Italy)
Lluís Meseguer (Castelló de la Plana)
Josefina Salord (Menorca)
Tilbert Stegmann (Germany)
Alan Yates (Great Britain)
Marie-Claire Zimmerman (France)
Guidelines for Submission

When you send an article to be considered for publication, you should send two hard copies, without a diskette. When the article is accepted for publication, you will be requested to adhere to the following guidelines, and to submit two copies of the final version, plus a diskette marked with your name, (part of) the title of your article, and the software program used (it should be a commonly-used program).

  1. Use the style recommended in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 4th Edition (1995).
  2. Leave a margin of one inch on all four sides.
  3. Double space text, quotes, Notes, and Works Cited [Referències]. For laser and dot matrix printers, use 12 pitch.
  4. Title of article, Works Cited, and names of authors in Works Cited should be printed in upper and lower case (not in upper case only). Do not use bold for anything.
  5. Titles of: A. Books: In Italics. B. Articles: "Within quotation marks." C. Poems: "Within quotation marks."
  6. A. Articles in English: Place periods and commas inside quotation marks [e.g. I do not understand the word "amor."] B. Articles in Catalan: Place periods and commas outside quotation marks [e.g. No comprenc la paraula "amor".] Follow this practice in the title, throughout the article, in the Notes, and in the Referències.
  7. Place note number outside the punctuation [e.g. "This is a quote." "Aixó és una nota".]. Notes should be used only for commentary or supplementary information, not to document the sources cited in the text. Full bibliographical reference to sources cited in the Notes should appear in Works Cited, not in the note itself. Notes must appear at the end of the text, before Works Cited.
  8. Quotes of less than four lines should be included within the text, not set off. Quotes of more than four lines should be set off from the text, indented ten spaces, and should not be placed between quotation marks; the author’s name and page number should follow in brackets.
  9. References to the sources cited (author’s last name and page number, without a comma) should appear within the text, in brackets [e.g. Situations become impossible because they seem to violate the laws of physics and common sense (Duran 76)].
  10. A list of Works Cited [Referències] in the article (not Bibliography!) is to appear at the end of the text, after the Notes. Appropriate order for items within Works Cited: (a) Books: Author’s last name, Author’s first name. Title of part of book. Title of Book. Name of editor or translator, preceded by Ed(s). or Trans. Edition used. Number of volumes. Name of series. Place of publication: Name of publisher, date of publication. Page numbers for part of book See sample at the end of this page. (b) Articles: Author’s last name, Author’s first name. "Title of article." Title of Journal volume number in Arabic numbers (year): pages. See sample at the end of this page.

Works Cited (sample)

Duran, Manuel. "J.V. Foix: ‘There are Poets, the Best Ones, Who Can Milk Celestial Cows.’" Catalan Review 1.1 (1986): 61-78.
---. "Josep Carner in Mexico: As I Remember Him." Catalan Review 6.1-2 (1992): 421-28.
Julià i Capdevila, Lluïsa, ed. Epistolari de Joaquim Ruyra. Barcelona: Curial, 1995. Novel.les amoroses i morals. Eds. Arseni Pacheco and August Bover i Font. 2nd ed. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1988.
Riera, Carme. Joc de miralls. Barcelona: Planeta, 1987.

Contributions should be sent to: Mercè Vidal-Tibbits (North-American authors) or August Bover (European contributors).

Mercè Vidal-Tibbits
Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures
Howard University
Washington, DC 20059

August Bover
Dept. de Filologia Catalana
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585
08071 Barcelona


Past Issues

Current and past issues of  Catalan Review can be purchased from:

Mercè Vidal Tibbits
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
Howard University
Washington, DC 20059


Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat
Ramon Sarle
Ausiàs March, 92-98 interior
08013 Barcelona
fax 34-93-247-3594