ES 401A Spring 2002

Why Buy Local?

Middining System

Lessons and Stories


Local Farms

Local Food Processors

Local Food Distributors


Know Your Food, Know Your Farmer

Highlighting the Connections Between
Middlebury College & Local Food Providers


Burlington Foodservice Company

Located in: Burlington, Vermont

Burlington Foodservice is Middlebury Dinning Service's main vendor, providing Middlebury with most of its commercial foods but also with local foods at the college's request


Burlington Foodservice Company has been in the Cooper family since 1893. For over a century they stayed in their original location in Burlington, Vermont but have just recently moved to a modern facility in Colchester. BFC is an independent, local food distributor, delivering food throughout the northeast. They are Middlebury College's main vendor, providing more than 80% of all the food in the dining halls.

Burlington Foodservice currently employs 103 Vermonters. The College supports BFC not only to support local foods but also to support local economies. Burlington Foodservice is a part of our local food purchasing network as a distribution link to local processors and farms. Foods from Lewis Creek Farm, Brigante's Farm, and Cabot-just to name a few-are all distributed to the College by BFC.

The relatively small size of BFC allows the College to have a customized relationship with their food service provider. This would not be possible with a larger, more homogenized distributor like Sysco. When Middlebury College Dining Services put out a bid for a food service provider, BFC was the only vendor which could both meet the standards for high quality and quantity and provide the College with locally grown foods produced within Vermont.




Last Modified May 15, 2002
For questions or comments contact
Diane Munroe