Archibald Archibaldovich
Miagkov has shown that the prototype for Archibald Archibaldovich was Iakov
Danilovich Rozental' (1893-1966), nicknamed "The Beard" (for reasons
that should be obvious from this photo). |
Rozental' was the manager of the Hertzen House (Griboyedov) restaurant
and the restaurant of the Journalists' Union from 1925-31. The Bulgakovs
were acquainted with Rozental', and Elena Sergeevna mentions him in her
diary. (Sokolov BE)
The caricature at right was drawn by K. Yeliseyev in the mid-30s. |
Archibald Archibaldovich's name also connects him with a literary prototype,
a mysterious character in Andrei Bely's Moscow Eccentric, Eduard
Eduardovich von Mandro. (Sokolov BE) |