Image Manipulation :

Photoshop has many tools for selecting areas of an image. The following provides an introduction to these tools.



1. Open tibetan.PSD from the tutorial images you downloaded (see: Download)



marquee tool
Marquee Tool:
This tool (the grey shaded area) selects a rectangular area of an image. Once selected, this area can be copied, deleted or moved. Drag the box around the letter on the left.


move tool
Move Tool:
This tool allows the user to move the selected area around the image window. With the left letter selected, move it to the bottom right side.


lasso tool
Lasso Tool:
This tool allows the user to trace a selection or select and join a series of points that enclose and define a selection area. Once selected, this area can be copied, deleted or moved. Use this tool to select the and try moving it with the move tool. Be sure to put it back or the meaning of this word will be lost.


magic wand
Magic Wand:
This tool will select only areas of the image that are simliar in color to the specific point at which it was clicked. This tool is useful for defining foregrounds and backgrounds. Use this tool to select sections of the letters and move them around the image window.


paint bucket

Paint Bucket:
This tool will dump paint (the forground color) on all adjacent areas of the same color. Use the Magic Wand to choose a specific letter, then click on the foreground palette (the red square) and choose a desired color. Next click on the Paint Bucket tool and click on the highlighted letter to paint it red.


Resizing Images

Selecting Images
Layering Images

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