Image Manipulation :

An image can be composed of many layers. Layers are arranged front to back with foremost layers hiding layers below them. Layers can be copied, deleted, rearranged, linked together and hidden. Also, the opacity of layers can be adjusted. Only one layer can be edited at any given time.


1. Open France.PSD from the tutorial images you downloaded (see: Download). Notice how the layers are set up. Select the Layers palette, choose a specific layer and try hiding, moving and deleting it. Refer to the above image for examples. Use File > Revert (or don't save changes) to return to the original image.


2. Open Spain.PSD from the tutorial images you downloaded (see: Download) and do the following steps:

a. select Layer 4 of the Spain map.
b. use the Magic wand to select Spain and choose Edit > Copy.
c. chose Layer > New > Layer from the menu bar.
d. Then select the new layer, Layer 5 and choose Edit > Paste.

3. Add a drop shadow and gaussian blur as follows:

a. select the new layer you created which has a copy of Spain.
b. use the paint bucket to paint it black
c. move this black version of Spain beneath the original yellow Spain.
d. use the move tool to move the black layer slightly offset the yellow Spain.
3. chose filter/blur/gaussian blur to soften the edges of the shadow Spain.


4. If you have Photoshop 5, there is an easier way to do this:

a. Hide the drop shadow layer you created (click on the eyeball) in the Layers palette.
b. Select the layer with the original yellow Spain on it
c. Chose Layers > Effects > Drop Shadow.
d. Adjust the Drop Shadow settings and choose Ok.


Selecting Images

Layering Images
Using the Actions Palette

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