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Original Version

Weybridge July 20th, 1807

Dear Sylvia,

In haste I take my pen to address you once more, hoping it will be unnecessary to resume it again before I have the pleasure of seeing you. I am informed that your Brother is not going to Bristol the week and feeling very anxious to have you come this week as I have much word on my hands. I shall try to get you Brother to send a horse by Joseph to night and hope you will come as early in the day tomorrow as you can make it convenient. I "thought" by your last letter that you was nearly ready to come, if that was the case, I hope by this time, there is no obstacle to prevent you from being present with me before the morning of another day. I do not enjoy my weak health at this time, but hope it is nothing more than a slight cold and the effect of my journey to Shoreham which was rather hard - Do not disappoint my hops and blast my expectations. For, I not only want you to come to assist me, but I long to see you and enjoy your company and conversation and this I feel very anxious to have you come for this first consideration, yet for the last very delay amnesty in my bosom. But let it turn for or as I should express it against me I hope I shall equally acquire in the wise dispensation of Providence. And may you my dear girl be directed to that which shall prove for the best be proposed in every laudable pursuit this life and blest in the drying moment of dissolution is the ardent with of your affectionate.

-Charity Bryant

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