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Original Version

Sylvia Drake

A Double Acrostic

Some people say Lord, and think they do well
So they may often and yet go to hell
Yes thousands have done so who are in despair
Ye careless professors truth bids you take care.
Look out for your duty, and what is God's will
Love bids you to do it, submit and be still
Vain are all pretenses of serving the Lord
Vain, surely if do be not on record.
In doing the Will of our Father in heaven
Is truly connected with sin's have forgiven
And must we not do all that he doth require
A matter of pleasure and holy desire.
Do you love the Savior? Then him you'll obey
Do all his commandments, and make no delay
Repentance sincerely will be your employ
Repentance attended with pleasure and joy
Amongst Christ's disciples, do you claim a place,
And often in secret, plead for his rich grace
Keep near to the Savior and sit at his feet
Keep doing your duty, and it will be sweet
Esteem all his precepts as holy and right
Engage in performance, and do with your might

Then you among others will hear Jesus say,
Come blest of my Father of The Judgement Day

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