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(written in cursive with red ink)

Sec. 3 The Board pf Directors may be balloted for conjointly, and therefore candidates receiving the greatest number of votes cast shall be declared elected.

Sec. 4 In case of vacancy in any office by reason of resignation of any officer or for any other cause, the same shall be filled at a regular meeting.

Article Fourth
Duties of Officers

Sec. 1 It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Club, preserve order, and appoint all committees not otherwise provided for.

Sec. 2 The vice President shall perform all omitted the duties of the President in his absence.

Sec. 3 The Secretary shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of the Club, notify members of all special meetings, and keep a correct register of the members with their places of business or residence. He shall also prepare and caused to be published, notices of meetings, match games, and such other matters as may be ordered by the Directors.


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