Sheldon Project Links:

(written in cursive with red ink)

Sec. 2 The President may call special meetings for business when he shall deem it necessary, and also at the written request of any five members.

Sec. 3 Seven members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meetings.

Sec. 4 Omitted

Sec. 5 There shall be a practice game between the first and second nines one day of each week, at such time as the Directors may designate.

Article Seventh

Sec. 1 No alteration or amendment of this Constitution, or the by-laws herewith of this Club, shall be made except by a two third vote of all the members present at a regular meeting; nor then, unless such alteration or amendment shall have been submitted in writing at a regular meeting at least one month previous to its adoption.



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