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Shoreham Dec 13th

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Dear Brother,
It is evening and ___ its quiet-hour so I will again take my ever-willing pen as the only way in which I can have a little chat with my old friend George who has been neglected again and again by me. I thought when I get your last letter that I should sit right down and answer but I did not and it has been put off till the present moment, but George your letter was cold and indifferent so different from your others but I will not ask you to explain it. I presume you think that I am married by this time but do you remember what I told you when you went away, that I would let you know so that you could come to the Wedding. Don't you know you promised to stand up with me? Everyone thinks around here that I am agoing to be married this winter certain but they know more about it than I do that is one sure thing.
George I have no more to tell you. I presume you have heard who has enlisted before now but they would not take Mr. Holl William Tem nor Mr. Leverence but Mr. Geef is agoing . He has moved up here into the House where Mr. Martin lived. I am glad they did __ - it is not as lonely but what shall we do this winter, no ones here. Next fall if Carson Byron come up here I am going home with him to spend the winter. Will you come down and see me? I shall go if he comes. You will be there then. I presume I did see as this war is agoing to end very soon. L__ is teaching over the Lake this winter. Her mother is here keeping house John L___ and his Wife live in the house with them.
I have just got the song learned "when this cruel War is over" I presume you have heard it don't you think it is beautiful? I wish you was here to sing it with me. Lottie Haven has got all my music that you gave me. She has had it for the past year so you see I have not sung a great deal lately.
I must close for this time. Lauren is waiting very patiently to go and mail this so good bye
For this time from your true friend Lorette.

George will you write to me once more? Good Night
Your friend and Sister.


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