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Shoreham March 27th /64
Sabbath Morn

My kind friend,
Good morning as it is not quite time to go to church I will commence my letter but probably will not have time to finish it before evening. It is [sort] of a [dreary] day very lonely, presume we will have rain soon I received your favor last Friday eve and to my happy surprise found a handsome Ring enclosed. I think it is nice and fits to a charm I never saw one like it I am very much oblige. Till you are better [****] I also received the papers last night you didn't have time to read them yourself did you but sent them to me till you are done with them. Father is very much immersed in that story but I must go to Church now so Adieu for a while.
[It is] now back been to Church all day come home and got supper and

Am now ready to converse with you a while. There were quite a number out to Church considering the going. The Townsend and his Bride were there she is a very large women. I guess she would weigh full 200 but she looks like a good woman and if you believe me there was not a girl in the gallery but myself and Mr. Moore made me sing in spite of all I could say to him he told me he would help me but when we got up to sing he went on to the **** but I lived through it and am still [*****] with the living.
Do you know that Mr. Halls folks are talking of leaving here right away? Mr. [B***] wish to have them come over there and live in one of his houses and work and wants Mr. Hall to go into the store with him they have not decided yet but I presume they will go I do hate to have Mrs. Hall go away she is a good woman and a good neighbor I shall miss her

very much and shall be very lonesome I don't know what I shall do. I declare there won't be anyone here by and by [******] is going west to live. I don't know but he has gone. Dear me if it was not for my Father I would not stay here an other day I told him yesterday up North he says he can't spare me tells me I must not think of going to be gone more than a week but I think I shall go. You wish to know where ****** is he left here for Rutland but I guess he is no there now for he was going [*unreadable*] for his Brother to be give a week or two when I find out where he is I will let you know. Mrs. Hall has given me her Sister and Husbands Photograph's the one that is in [California?] my Album is filling up slowly last Thursday I went up to the Hotel not thinking of having my face taken I had on my [****] Dress and the [******-**] you made for me so I thought I would

sit first to see how the dress would take and it took so well I thought I would keep it for I think it looks more [******] than it would if I was all [first?] up so I will send it to you now so you think it looks like the girl you left in the party a while ago I think it very [sober?] of [*****] it washed with my [***** *****] for you know it never is a good many think it looks as Mothers did but I can't see as it does now you see I have fulfilled my promise after a while better late than never I wish it was a Photograph I shall have some taken if I go up North and then I will send you one and you can send this one back I must [****] I have told you now news for the very reason I have none I am going up to {*****} Jones to eat [****] some day this week wishing you prosperity and success in all your undertakings I once more say Adieu write soon to your friend


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