Sheldon Project Links:
April 1st 1864

Dear Lorette,

I received your s of the 27th March yesterday, and was very much pleased with the contents. The picture is a splendid one, looks just like Somebody I know. There is but one trouble with it, that is, it will not speak to me, nor kiss me. What shall I do in such a case, it looks as though it might speak, I have not sent any papers since I wrote you last for the reason that I have nothing to stick the newspapers with, when we moved from Fort Stevens we did not bring any (?), and when we got to Fort Lincoln there was no place to get any, but our (?) will be there tomorrow and then I can get some "Stick-um together" and send them to you, as you say "better late than never" You must have had a hard time at Church, I would have liked to have been there and helped you, you you have let me sing in the or out of the same book with you: have not heard that Hall (?) was going to leave Shoreham, it will be getting lonesome there one of these days if they keep going off. You will have to do as the rest do and go off and if you do, you had better come down here and see the folks, don't you think you had: I presume you will think that I have got out of the world when you look at the name of the place where I am and it is about so. "Battery Jamison" is about half a mile from Fort Lincoln on the East Branch of the Potomac and about a mile and a half from Bladensburg, MD (?) I came here last Sunday afternoon with one sergeant, Three Corporals, and Twelve Privates, part of them are from Battery "V" and part from Battery "L", we live in little houses built by the 3rd Maine Battery, I have a very good little house with a big fireplace in it, and there is a roaring fire in it just now as it is cold and rainy (?), has ruined nearly all the afternoon. It is a lonesome place here for me, I never had to stay away from the Company before for any length of time, but the boys are very good some of them come to see one every day, I am expecting every day someone to take my place and don't think I shall be sorry when they come, I have got a pet here, the boys found a Grey Squirrell (sic) in a cage in one of the houses and gave him to me, he was very shy at first, would not eat when I was looking at him, but now he will come out of his cage and eat anywhere, he was on my knee when he eat his dinner today…have lots of fun with him, and sense that ain't so funny ….he s? …there is a cat. I have not seen Major Hunsdon? Since last Sunday he is in command of Fort (?)…five miles and a half from here. Walter is well as usual and so are the rest of Battery "B". Byron Sunderland is going to ______, did you know it (will send you the paper that I got my news from) don't you think you had better come and see him (and let me see you) before he goes: "how could you say no"(?) I am sorry he is going because I expected you would come down to see him next fall and if he goes off you will not come, and it does not seem as though I could wait until our time is out before I can see you, but am afraid we'll leave to. So I do not think you ….(?) as your Mother did, but I knew who it …look like, and that is the Dearest and Best Girl n the world, and one that I love better than all the rest,. Bless you Lorette for remembering and writing to me and for the many kindnesses done me will (?) and make myself wealthy (?) of your confidence in Love and will. (?)

As Ever Yours,



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