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Burkville VA
April 14 1865

Dear Lorette,

At last we have got to a place where we will be likely to stop long enough to write a letter, and , as usual I will Scratch a line to You. Of course you know what big things have been done Since the first of this month. I am not going to even try to give you a description of any of the battles now, when I see you will tell all about them, will only say now that the Vermont Brigade led the Charges on the memorable 2d of April, I received your letter dated ?March 29" about ten oclock PM the 2d of April I was asleep when it was brought to me, but I hustled out to a fire and read it and it done me a great deal of good. You can't Imagine how much good it does a fellow to get a letter from his "Friend & Sister ", especially after a hard march, or a battle, it makes a better man of him. We had quite a march after the rebel army, but they had to come down. We are now about fifty
three (53) miles from Petersburg on the South Side Railroad, we came here last night. Our camp is in a pine woods, very dry, and nice, I presume we will stay here two or three days, and then go to Petersburg, but it is only guess work. I know nothing about it. Last night we got the first mail we have had since the 2d, I rather expected there would be one letter for me from Shoreham, but it did not come, got two from my Sister. I Suppose they will Soon be mustering out Some of the troops, but I rather expect we will have to Stay until Sept, but there is one good thing about it, the big fighting is done. Our Corps was complimented by Lieut Gen. Grant he
Said (just before we made our last charge on the 2d of April,) 'The Sixth Corps have outdone themselves today' Of course you will not expect much of a letter this time, if we Stay here three or four days will write again, that is if I can think of anything to write about.

Perhaps you will not like the looks of the envelope that I send this in but it was taken from a Rebels knapsack and I put the direction on it the next day after we left Petersburg, and have been waiting for a chance to write a letter to send in it ever Since, and it has got to go now. No I have not written to Julia yet, of course I ought to, if you see her please tell her that I have not had time to write home, or hardly to you, one of these days, will make up for it if I can. The Col & Walter are all right the Order had just come to be ready to move at a minutes notice Good Bye

As Ever Your
write often


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