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Howe_Wolcott Correspondence #3 1865-1888 (265) MS file

George G. Howe, Camp in the field VA to Lorette E. Wolcott, Shoreham

Camp in the field VA, June 3, 1865

Dear Lorette,

I received yours of May 28th last night. I was very glad indeed to hear from you and that the [??]. You know that I never told you any such thing as that I write to you this afternoon. We have at last got a little increase in the prisoners and when they get back north as we are in camp about six miles from Washington. We left Richmond reluctantly May 24th in review before Gen Halleck as we were through the city. Thursday night we encamped near Chesterfield Station. It commenced raining in the night and rained heavily all Friday and Saturday. We started at eight on Friday and marched eight to ten miles mudd half way to the knees and raining hard all the time. It was necessary to cross some streams that would be swollen with the rain. We went into cmap Friday at the pm near Pole Cut Creek (pretty name isn't it?) Stayed there until Monday morning. Camped at night in Hayse Heights news bushwhacking [?] crossed the Ruppahanock at Seven Tuesday morning. Went into camp at 3pm. Somewhere in the woods don't know where. The next night we camped about five miles from "Walf Run Shouls," the next at Laisyan Courhouse [?] and the next, yesterday, at 12pm we got to our present camp. The weather has been very warm. So Eben is suffering for his country in the frontier is he? Your fellow I hope nothing will harm him up there. Who is "Mike"? Of course it is not cousin of yours that is clear [?] For [?]. but what Mike is he? Where is he from and what's his name? What makes you bother[?] a fellow? So you think I will be likely to go to Richmond to get a wife. Well perhaps I will. Of course I shall have to go when I am not knows[?] everyone knowing that will what of it. [?] I don't know how long we will have to stay here presume that or for weeks maybe not more than_[?] I think we will be in VT by the last of June certain. I have no news to tell you. Walter and the Col. are well as usual. It is almost dark and I have no candle I must close. If anything happens worth telling will write again. Hoping to hear from you soon.
Ever Yours
The band is playing "The Mocking Bird."

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