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Joshua Bates, 1818 - 1839


Joshua Bates was the third president of Middlebury College.


[ September 19, 1818 ]

[ December 6, 1819 ]

[ April 5, 1820 ] [ June 6, 1820 ]

[ May 26, 1821 ] [ July 10, 1821 ]

[ January 10, 1823 ]

[ April 12, 1824 ]

[ May 26, 1825 ]

[ June 8, 1826 ] [ June 18, 1826 ] [ July 29, 1826 ]

[ February 23, 1829 ]

[ August 20, 1830 ]

[ January 25, 1832 ]

[ March 19, 1836 ]

[ May 26, 1838 ]

[ April 26, 1839 ]

[ May 24, 1845 ]


On the subject of Moral Education, delivered before the American Institute of Education on August 26, 1837.

[ transcript ] [ scanned images ]

Account of the Happy Death of Mary Ann Clap

July 15, 1816, delivered in his capacity as pastor of the First Church in Dedham.

[ transcript ] [ scanned images ]


Preached in Northampton, MA, on September 12, 1825, at the sixteenth annual meeting of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.

[ transcript ] [ scanned images ]

Inauguration Speech

Delivered March 18, 1818. (cover only)

[ image and transcript ]


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