Full transcription:
Worcester Mass,
January 7, 1923
Dear Mary,
Truly I am covered with shame and contrition that I have been so culpably negligent in regard to Kappa Kappa Gamma. It is just one of the things I have let slide in these particularly busy weeks that we have been getting settled in our new home. That is no excuse, however, for it would have taken but a few minutes to attend to an answer if I have given it my attention. I was most enthusiastic when Emily Hobbs told me the good news, and I was eager for the active chapter to make the change, as it seemed best under the circumstances. For myself, I said that going into the new organization meant nothing to me, and I thought that it would make no difference in the old bonds with Alpha Chi and my friends in that. Still I failed to write a definite no, and simply ignored the matter in a most inexcusable manner. Then Mrs. Bryant’s eager plea on her Christmas card brought the matter to my mind for decision and I was about to write her when her letter came. You may tell her that her work was no in vain. I don’t know of two people whose influence would go father with me than yours. I have decided that I would like to go in with you, my friends of the past and the present. Eunice returned to her school at Stamford today and asked me just before I left if I would include her when I wrote you and tell you that she will go in, too. I know your heart is big enough to forgive me this delay. I am glad to know you are all pretty will. My best regards to all, with love, Pauline