October 5 1810
October5, 1810 Friday Evening
Are mankind totally depraved.
It was argue in the affirmative that the exercises or volition of men are depraved not the soul. If the soul be depraved then the faculties of the soul are depraved which is argued to be f??? for perception and reason are the faculties of the soul but these are no more depraved in a sinner than in a saint. Sinners are can reason with as m??? accuracy as a saint and as quick to perceive an object as the one who is depraved but in t??? consequentially the soul cannot be depraved. The following passages of scripture were quoted to prove that the depravity consist in choice or the act of the will of soul 1:19,20, also the words of the savior ye will not come on to me that ye might have life I called but ye refused: ye did not chuse the fear of the Lord; behold f? have set be for you life and death therefore if there be any ??? or vice in keeping or breaking the commands of God it is in choice ??? to ass?? That sin not predictable, to choice wa??? Be to asset that the Law of God is not moral Rom 2:13. It is further argued that our notorious not depraved if this be true then Christ nature was depraved for the good upon him not the nature of angels but the seed of Abraham took upon him our natures and were really man as well as had consequently if human nature be depraved

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