October 5 1810
then Christ must have been depraved which is absurd in the esctr? If the following passages were brought to prove that mankind are totally depraved. Genesis 6:5, and God saw the wickedness was great in the earth and that every immagination of his heart was evil; evil only and that continually. Psalms 58:3, Isaiah 42: 8, Judges 18:23, 25, Job: 15:16, 21:14, 15, Therefore they say unto God depart from them for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways What is the Almighty that we should serve him or what profit should we have if we pray unto him, also Psalms 5:9, 10: 4-7 He wished ? “ the pride of his countenance will not seek after God is not in all their tho?. Prad. 15.8,4, 26: Isaiah 1: 5,6, 59: 4, 8, None calleth for justice – the trust in vanity and speak lies they conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity. It is further argued if totally depravity be not true then all men are ?? of some holiness which will in ?? them to heaven consequently universal salvation must be true, also if all men have some holiness then they cannot experience the new birth without which saith inspiration all men must be damned. Negative It is argued that if total be true then all mankind must eventually be withL

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