Memory #1
When Walter Sheldon was Paymaster
he often had large sums of money
in his care for payment of the troops
and as there was no bank in Burlington
it required some care for its safety.
It was said he had quite a large
amount stolen from him at one time.
A man who had facilities for learning
about such matters was asked if he ever
heard about it. His answer was, "I know
all about it. You can say that many very
respectable people who knew Mr Sheldon
and were cognizant of the circumstances
surrounding the loss, did not hesitate
to repress the belief that he was robbed
by a person whom he regarded his
friend and who became suddenly
possessed of ample means without
work of any kind.
Memory #2
Walter Sheldon
At the declaration of War by the U. States against
Great Britain in June 1812, Walter Sheldon a Law student
in the office of Hon. Horatio Seymour was drafted itno the
service and appointed Lieut. and Regimental Paymaster
of the 11th U.S. Infantry. In August 1813 he was appoin-
ted by the President as District Paymaster of the Nor-
thern Army and stationed at Burlington Vt.
He married Lucy Loomis of Middlebury in February 1815
and died June 16, 1816 aged 28. She died Feb 26, 1832 at 39.