Middlebury College 16th 1810
Dear Grandpapa
It is with no little reluctance that I have to
inform you, that I am again driven to the necessity, of making
an esccuse for my tardiness, in not disclosing to you immediately
on my arrival, the state of my present situation. My pen
cannot describe to you Sir, the fatigue which I suffered in
consequence of the b(s?)adness of the going; though I cannot say
that it has in any measure, impeded my health. Since old
things have been in part put away, and new regulations sub
stituted in their stead, I have escchanged my habitation in Town
for an esccellent room in College, so that it will rather be more
convenient for me to attend to the escercises than formerly. As
regards those Notes, I have not yet troubled myself as much as
shall calculate, when a more convenient season offers. The govern
ment have added quite a number of studies authors to our former
studies, which they have portioned out, among the several classes
The new author, that we are at present studying, is Blair's
Lectures on Rhetorick, the price of which is 64,00[?] in two volumes
The only new author which the Authority have annesced to our
Former studies, the Number of Students at present is 85 –
have nothing further to add, only this that I understand the
Gov of our State, has given the federal part of Community
a hunt or two, which possibly [?] may not have been very palatable
to Men of such pure tastes as the federalists, pretend to be.
I hope
Sir that I shall be gratified at least once a forthnight, with
a knowledge of private & publick concerns at home, which
may be a stimulus for me to write rather more frequently –
I am
Dear Grandpapa
Yours Affectionably –
Bennington way 7
Mar. 16, 1810
Mr. Henry Quackenbush
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