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Middleburry August 19th

Dear Grandpapa –

When I arrived at Granvill I wrote
you a letter whether you received it or not I do not
know. Calculating start on Tuesday Morning I did not
think proper [?] to write till I had arrived at Middleburry
about 4 O clock in the afternoon and put up at Mrs. Bells.
The exercises of Commencement beginning in the eve-
ning Mr. Purdy who came up with us introduced us to
the President who informed us that we must call upon
the Tutor the Next Morning on the account of some other
Gentlemen who were candidates for the same class and
[?] were to be examined. The Next Morning we were
sent for by the Tutor and after the examination was
finished we were placed in a Sophomore Standing.
The Next Morning I immediately marched out for a
boarding house and was so fortunate as to get me one of the
best and a very short distance indeed from the college.
I have not yet been located which will not be done till the
term commences so that I shall sleep these there weeks at the
place I found. I purchased from one of the Students who was
about leaving College a secon handed table, bedstead and under bed and
I also purchased some other materials which I wanted. Mr. Sargent will
Room with me and he will not be up before Term commences
when he will fetch a feather bed and clothes. Staying at the tavern
longer than I expected on account of the hurry of Commencement
and buying them materials which I mentioned has diverted off the little
Money I had. I shall also want some more books and if I had the
Money I go, rather think that I could (^get) them that are seconhanded –
very cheap. The person whom I board with is Golam Stoves a very decent
respectable Man but a ardent federalist Mr. Clark tells me. You I suppose
had heard of the services insurrection which has happened in Vermont
and of Nine persons being taken who are to be tried new in a short time
by the Supreme Court and it is generally the opinion of all that they
will be hung. I should be very glad if you would when the receipt of
this letter write a few lines to me concerning the welfare of the family.
Give My respect to all the family and be pleased to tell [?] that
I am in good health.

I am
Your Dutiful Son –
Jacob Lansing

Mr. Henry Quackenbush


Mr. Henry Quackenbush



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