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Middleburry September 2nd 1808

Dear Grandpapa –

I received yours on the first day of September in which you informed me that the family were all in good health which I can assure you gave me no little joy. I also through the goodness of divine Providence enjoy the same state. Tomorrow the election for the Governor of the State of Vermont commences it is certainly an important day for this State because the federalists mean to make one bold push but they will get defeated, they have a committee established in every town, in the State but there is no doubt but that Governor Smith will get the election by a greater majo
rity than last year and you may rely upon it that will be the Case
without the least kind of hesitation. You no doubt have heard bout the insurrection that happened on the Lake at Burlington they have been all taken and were immediately secured in the jail. The principal fellow among them Hall had an offer when he was taken to be sent to Canada and there secured till our negotiations with Great Brittain should commence but he chose rather to be deposited in Burlington jail so that he certainly imagined that a mob would rise and liberate them [on close?] he shold have gone to Canada
Hall has had his trial and is now condemned so that there are five others [?]
And there are a number for high treason. When the Sergeant went for [?]
Horton to dress the Lieutenants wounds he found him and a number [?]
Principal Men in Burlington at dinner as soon as he related to the Doctor what his business was one of the Gentlemen replied that he wished all the damn Democrats were killed and then they should have no more trouble with them and the Doctor said that he should come after dinner you may judge for your
self concerning the Physicians behavior at such a crisis –
It seems Sir by the last accounts which I received and which is no longer age than last night that one of the greatest merchants in Burlington was privy to this there was one of the persons examined when they had taken as States evidence and he said that Mr Catton had supplied the beat with powder and that the balls were seen about a mile and ah alf from the village it seems the Court knew that some persons were engaged and they told the witness not to mention any names but all at once he mentioned this Mans Name. It also seems that Mr Catten was a going to loaid this boat with ashes but when he found out that this was the boat in which government had been so long in pursuit of he did not send his [?] but he was there when the Balls were seen it seems that the witness was a [?]ible fellow and so that the men [haned?] the name before the thought of it of Course that Man will also be indicted and also a member of others. I rather think that the trial will be finished next Week and then also it is probable that the State of the clicher will be known so that I shall scribble off a few more lines. Excuse me for the present. Give my best respects to Mama Grandmama and all the family.

I am
Yours Etc.
Jacob Lansing


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