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Two Newspaper Articles about Walter Sheldon

Henry Sheldon cut out these two news articles from his personal archives to paste into his scrapbook. No date or newspaper name was attached, but they provide a glimpse into the life of a small town businessman and federal employee.


Take Notice.

The subscriber having taken Walter Shel-
don, Esq. into connection with him in
his professional business, requests all persons
having unsettled accounts with him to make
settlement without delay. By the new ar-
rangements in his business a settlement of all
his accounts up to this date has become indis

Middlebury, Jan. 30, 1816.

District Pay-master's Office,
Middlebury, Vt.
Feb 27, 1816 }

In pursuance of an order from the Paymas-
ter of the Army, notice is hereby given,
that I am ready to receive and adjust the out-
standing claims to compensation for military
services rendered prior to the first day of
Janurry, 1816, and at that time existing with-
in the State of Vermont.

To enable me to ascertain the amount due
from the United States to the militia within
my district, and to prepare the necessary esti-
mates for the Pay-master of the army, all
persons holding muster rolls properly authen-
ticated, upon which payment has not been
made are requested to transmit the same to
me at this place as early as possible. Muster
rolls certified by the briagade major, or by some
other officer especially authorised by the
commanding General to muster, agreeably to
the provisions of the act of congress, passed
April 18th, 1814, accompanied with the oath
of the field officer and officers of the compa-
ny or detachment called into service, that
they have not been previously paid; that they
have not either jointly or severally authorized
any person whomsoever, to receive the pay
which may be due to them, and in no wise, ei-
ther directly or indirectly, transferred or alien-
ated their claims, by power of attorney, order,
receipt-roll, accounts, or any other paper; and
that the officers, non-commissioned officers, mu-
sicians and privates, who may be mentioned on
the muster rolls presented to me, were during
the period therein expressed, actually on military
duty in the service of the United States, either
in the field, in camp, or in garrison
, will be
admitted as sufficient evidence of the validity
of the claims which may be presented.

Further information is hereby given that
no claims of the militia will be paid unless the
so vices which they embrace, were rendered
in virtue of, or under the immediate orders of
the government of the United States, and not
of an individual state or territory; or, unless
if called into service by the authority of any
individual state or territory, such services
shall have been duly recognized on the part
of the United States and payment for them
sanctioned accordingly.

All persons who hold my due bills for mili-
tary services are hereby notified, that I shall
be enabled to pay the same at any time after
the expiration of twelve days from the date
hereof; and that these will be the first des-
cription of claims which will be paid. And
after the muster rolls and other evidences of
service shall have been exhibited and found
to be correct; public information will be
hereafter given, when & at what places com-
pensation for said services will be made.
HENRY ROBNSON, Esq. my assistant, will
regularly attend at my office, in this place,
every day in the week (Sunday excepted) to
the adjustment of such claims as are above
designated, as well as to the claims of all re-
gular troops who have been in the public ser-
vice, as far as my present supply of funds will

It is strictly enjoined upon all persons who
may hold claims, to follow the above direc-
tions in presenting them.

The printers of the Rutland Herald, and
the Montpelier Watchman, are requested to
insert this notification, three weeks succes-
sively in their respective papers, and forward
duplicate accounts for the same to my office.

Dist. Paym'r U.S.A


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