Then they show you the ropes people where were hanged from –
and a morbid minded man ought to revel in Prague. I must tell you
there pretty part too for there is a delightful beer garden on an
island in the charming little river and the churches are handsome
the interiors of strikingly rich appearance – one or two good
streets and a great big castle or palace rather up high on the hill
– Wallenstein’s Palace it is, built by the hero of the
30 years war and of vast extent.
We left Prague together and fell in also with Mr. + Mrs. Hamilton
of Louisville who were nice all around [.] Mrs. Hamilton is a charming
woman, knows Barstows in Louisville and since arriving in Vienna has
introduced me to a very pretty girl at a Pension. (don’t think
I’m stopping there tho’ for I’m at a hotel)
By the way speaking of Barstows I hear good things every little while
about Barstows. There’s a Barstow in London drawing £2000
yearly from the crown, so the ____ told me – think I’d
better look him up on my ____ ______ ___?
I hear thro Brown Shipley too that there’s a Fred Barstow traveling
Europe this summer from America.
From here I expect to go to Salzburg and before I write again to see
something besides big cities. So I will leave my trip to Vienna and
___ little ___ here until I write you again – probably next
from Munich. When you write from now on until advised please address
Care ___ Cook + Sons Venice Italy. I may not arrive there for about
a month. But that is as often as I have averaged to receive mail.
Shall probably rest quietly tomorrow as I have worked quite hard today
and feel fatigued as my letter doubtless shows.
Please say to Nellies that her letter of Aug 15th and Fred’s
of the 18th have both come and will be answered at once.
With love and best wishes – Yours