At this point the storm had calmed down sufficiently, but Jonas Dale, the First Mate, had the engines shut off to clean the boiler. After the engine was cleaned, a combination of steam and wind power was used to steady the ship and continue on course.

Remarks on board Friday, October 8th, 1841
First Part of this 24h, Light breezes and Drisly. The latter part, strong gales and raine.
At 10 a.m. Stopt the machinery to clean the boyler.


Remarks on board Sunday Oct 10th 1841

This 24h Plesant Gales & Clear
At 6 P. M. Saw a Brigg under Full Sail
At 6h 30m P.M. Tock in Sail and went by Steam
At 10 P.M. Sett the Foure and aft Sail
At 4 A. M. Sett Foure & Maine Topp Sails
At 6 A. M. braild upp Foure & Main Trysail also the Spanker
Hald down the Foure Stay sail

Variation 2 Points West

Remarks on board Saturday Oct the 9th 1841

This 24h Light Breezes Cloudy & Showers of Rain
Tock the 2ond Reef in the Foure Toppsail and Sett out
At 9 A. M. tock in the Sails & Started the Mashinery
At 3h P. M. Sett the Foure and Aft Sails and Maine Toppsail
At 9 P. M. Sett Foure Topsail & Foure Sail

Variation 2 Points West




Remarks on board Thursday October 7th, 1841
This 24h Pleasant Gales, At 6 a.m. Made al Sail
Stopt the Engen for 2 hours