The ship ran into its second large storm just thirteen days into its journey, on October 11th, when they ecountered squall-like rain and wind. Again, the engine was stopped to clean the boilers and perform other needed maintainence on board, something done routinely about every four days.

Remarks on board Tusday Oct 12th 1841

This 24h Strong Breezes Squaly with Raine
Tock a single Reef in the Four Topsail
At 6 A.M. Furld the Maine Topp Gallant Sail
At 10 P.M. Braild upp the Spanker & Main Trysail
At 7 P.M. Sett the Maine Topp Gallant Sail
At 9 P.M. Sett the Four Topp Gallant Sail

Variation 2 Points West


Remarks on board Monday Oct the 11th 1841

This 24h Fresh Gales with squals Raine
Unbent the Storme Maine Topsail & bent the large one. Sent upp the Foure & Maine Topp Gallant Yards
Maid at Sail on the Shipp
Stopt the Dengen to Cleane Boylers
At 10 A. M. Tock in the Foure Topp Gallant Sail & Sett upp the Four back Stays
At 5 P.M. Started the Engen

Variation 2 Points West

Remarks on board Thursday, October the 14th 1841

This 24th fresh breezes and Drisley wather at 1 P.M. Stopt the engen to shift the buckets and enlarge the water weel in coneckting the engen. Dropt the crank strap and increased the steam chest the first enjenere Superintending at 8h 30m startet the engen at 9 P.M. furled the foure and main topp sallant sails Duble reeft the foure & maine toppsails at 10 P.M. Braild upp the spanker at 7 A.M. past a norwedjen Brigg.

Variation 2 point west




Remarks on board Wednesday Oct the 13th 1841

This 24h Light breezes & Cloudy
Sett the Foure Toppmast Staysail & Main Trysail
At 10 P.M. Tock in the Foure & Main Topp gallant Sails
At 3 ½ A.M. Sett the Foure & Main Toppgallant Sails
At 10 A. M. Sett the Jibb and Spancer

Variation 2 Points West