As the ship pushed on through the North Sea, it stopped at Copenhagen, where the ship re-stocked on coal and food provisions. On November 5th, there was more unruly behavior as one man ran away, one was punished for drunken behavior, and another was put in irons. The next day, however, the ship received their most important visitor, as the Danish King stopped on board with his entire family. After a few more days in Copenhagen, the ship set sail once again.

Remarks on board Wednesday November 3rd, 1841
Pleasant Gales an Clear
At 1h 12m p.m. Kullen light bore ESE / E dist 2 miles- at 2h 3m p.m. past hour light baring NBS Dist 6 miles, at 4h 20m p.m. Eisenuer Castell was a breast of oss was boarded from the Card ship Got an Eisnuer pilot on board to Kopenhagen
At 7h 30m Came to in Kopenhagen Rodd the Cap went in shore in the 1st Cutter

Wednesday Nov 3rd
Light breezes from the SE and Cloudy. At 7 A.M. Hove upp the ancor and runn in the harbor mored ship for the small bower and a hawser to the boy. Got up purchases for the coal and hoysted in with piple from the shore hade 4 painters from shore the starboard watch emploid under the boswain. The laboard watch in shore on liberty received a lott of provision.

Thursday Nov 4th
Wind SE pleasant wather tock in coal all day sent upp the foure yard.
Lett go the beast bower, piple emploid in various part of the ship under the boatswain, finisht painting the ship.

Friday Nov 5th, 1841
Wind SW finisht tacking in coal skrubd the shipp fore and aft
Punisht one man for unbecoming language-the leberty men came on board drunk
At 12 o’clock in the neight put one man in irons
1 man runn away, piple emliod ender the boatswain

Saturday Nov 6th, 1841
Wind SSw with fine wather, piple emploid in various part of the shipp under the boatswain- at 10h a.m. the Deanish King visited the ship in the afternoon the Royal family came on board atendet by Mr. Shyler 7 Hamilton

Remarks on board Tusday Nov the 2nd 1841

This 24h Light breezes and Cloudy
Hove upp the ancor an got under way at 3 P.M.
At 8h 35m bore SE to her Comp boardet
Vessel to an ancor was boardet by a boat from shore
Wile to ancor with provision
At 2h 10m a.m. wing or light bore East Dist 7 miles
At 3h 45m Light bore NW by W Dist 10 miles
At 5h a.m. Neding or light bore East Dist 12 miles
At 11h a.m. Tock in the Drysails at 11h 20m and sett
The drysails in at 11h 5m Past Half southern island bearing SE out 5 miles


Remarks on board Monday Nov 8th 1841

This 24h Strong breezes & cloudy
At 1h p.m. Soundet in 22 gravel and sand
Past several vessels boild up the topsails hol down the staysails
Clud up & reel the foure & maine topsails and twind down
At 11 p.m. sett the toppsails & drysails
At 11h 20m p.m. Eastern bonhelm bor wNW Dist 20 miles
At 1h a.m. broild up foure &maine drysails




Remarks on board Sunday Nov the 7th,1841

This 24 h fresh breezes & cloudy
At 6 o’clock in the morning hove upp the beast bower
At 9, hove up the small bower and ran out of the hall
By Steam, Secured the ancor & boats nead everything Raidy for sea at 12 noon
The Kopenhagen pilot left the ship at 2h 23m p.m.
Light bore SE/E saw 2 vessels suck in the reef with the topmasts out
Of water at 2h 30m p.m.
Light bore WNW/W nead al sails at 5 p.m. Clean reel the toppsails
At 9 p.m. Tock in the sails
At 11h30m p.m. head bornhelm light boreing NE
At 12h10m a.m. born helm SE/E Dist 4 miles
At 1 a.m. sett sails and lett one reel out the topsails at 2 a.m.
Cristiansor Bore SSE bornhelm a stearn WSW lett the 2nd Reel
Out the toppsails Saw several vessels