As the ship neared its final approach to St. Petersburg, the American crew was paid and the ship was left in charge of the Russians. On Friday the 12th, the passengers were sent off with their luggage and the ship's journey was complete.

Remarks on board Wednesday Nov 10th, 1841

This 24 h strong breezes with snow
At 12h 40m p.m. past hoglan Lights at 1h 30m p.m.
Tock in al the Sails at 5h 50m. Lay the ships Head
To the wind SW Soundet several times at4h a.m.
Past the Tullbacon light at 5h 50 p.m.
Came too far the smal bower in the Reefed of Crownstad
At 8h Hove upp the ancor and Ran in close to the kewl.
Let go the smal bower

Remarks on board Tuesday Nov 9th, 1841

This 24h ferst part strong breezes & cloudy
The later part moderat and some snow at 1h p.m.
Daggars 3 points on the starboard bowe tock in
The drysails & staysails at 2p.m. Sett them igan at 5 p.m.
Dagarnot light bore E/S at 10h 50m p.m.
Odensholm bore SSE at 1ha.m.
Pucker light bore ESE Dist 12 miles at 2 a.m.
Tock in the Drysails 7 staysails at 2h 20m a.m.
Surup Light bore ESE Dist 10 miles
Slowed the machinery at 2h 25m a.m.
Started a head igan at 3h a.m. Nargaron Light bore SE Dist 5 miles
At 3h 30m a.m. Revel Light bore SW Dist 8 miles
At 8h 10m a.m. Porklow light bore NW Dist 12 miles
At 11h 5m a.m. Rotcher Light bore SSE Dist 5 miles
Past several vessels.


Thursday November the 11th, 1841
Wind ENE with snow. Recived 200 men from Shore. Cleand the shipp fore and aft. Hove upp the messen Topp masts and sent up the Gards. Paid the American crew of

Friday November the 12th, 1841
Wind north and clear, wather beast bart of this day. Was ocupid in sending the crew with their luggage in shore at 4 pm. Al hands had left the shipp in charge of the Russians

