Remarks on board Sunday October 3rd, 1841
This 24h havy gales and a heigh sea. Stove in the forward gard houses lost the greater part of the live stock. Secured the riggen & spars for the night.

As they moved farther into the Atlantic Ocean, the storm continued to build and some minor damages occured on board the ship. At this point their course was set, however, and there was little need for adjustment.

Remarks on Board Tuesday October 5th, 1841
This 24 h the gale continued with Raine. Lost the wings of the eagle in the head.
A vary havy sea running the ship leabond Vary havy sett the foure and aft sails.

Remarks on board Monday October 4th, 1841
This 24h Havy gales with raine- an the sea running vary heigh at 1 p.m.
Lock the Gigg on deck- the sea stoued the after gards & houses at 2h p.m. past the ship tiger of Boston laing too under closeleft main toppsail.


Remarks on board Wednesday Oct. 6th 1841
This 24h Fresh breezes with Raine. Sentup the foure and maine topmasts & gards sett the foure and aft sails.


