Thursday June 24th 1909

   Left the house at 8:30. After getting our steamer chairs we went to see our staterooms. Then Dadie sent me to get seats in the dining room. The first man I spoke to said something in French and then seeing I was not a Frenchman he said something about not getting them until 2:00 or 3:00 oclock. Later I tried another steward who remarked “C’est le premier jour” I said “O oui”! and retired. Dadie then went down and succeeded very well.
   I met Mr. Fernald, he is going to sit at our table. Also MR. Pizzerelo and Mr. Gourd are on board.
   I wrote a letter to Dorothy, a post to Cora, they, Anne, Mr. Handley.
   The writing room is beastly hot but...