American Studies Web Museum Crane Diaries June 3, 1916 |
Saturday June 3, 1916 Rain. Definite news at last. We are to leave for Nancy at seven o’clock tomorrow morning where we will receive further orders. Our second stop will probably be Bar – Le – Due. Fearfully discouraging weather but the news of moving keeps our sprits up. New birds have not yet shown up. Poor Wave arrived this morning after wondering around looking for our encampments all night. Got letter from mother – notice from Harvard about A.B. and invitation to Charity Ball last week. This afternoon is the most mentally depressing time I have almost ever spent. About 5:30 a great Renault appeared with Doc Andrews, Forbes, Dayton (the two latter it turns out were much heralded “new birds”) and a Duke of something or other whom I referred to within his hearing as the bearded chauffeur. Doc stayed for supper and left about 9:30 after conferring with Perry, giving us all the latest scandal about Mr. G.W.L., and talking a lot about various things. This was quite a party in the Café tonight which was a bit too much of a revel for properties sake. I think, especially during the captain’s visit.