American Studies Web Museum

Crane Diaries June 5, 1916

Monday June 5th, 1916
Rain. No move today. Went over my car to see that everything was alright. As far as I can see everything is, but then I’m no connoisseur on the subject. They moved our sale a manger into a great barn full of horses and cavalry equipment, because the rain showed no sign of lighting up. Hamilton and Tons have been waiting all day at the cars. I heard the former being cursed out most volubly by Rantoul, who later disappeared and is later found drinking unduly heavily with a lot of cavalry men. He’s an awful ass to carry on as he does. Having gotten rid of two boxes of essence I had room for my feet beside the bed and I felt truly luxurious. Had a long talk with Sewall, Perry, Pike and others, and got to sleep at midnight. The water in this tour is not good to drink, and there is no beer to be had.