Francis B. Paine
March 10th, 1847
March 10, 1847

Spring months have come again and at my old home I find myself once more. My school is finished, and to farm labor I must repair. I closed my school on Tuesday the 2nd inst(ead) I should have kept on till next Friday had it not been for the measles appearing among my scholars & Bridget’s children of 6 & self & sisters were all sick at once; Mifs M. Murphy is still very sick and dangerously of lung fever, S. Pember is gaining. The snow was also piled up in drifts mountains high making it almost impossible to reach the school house so thinks I to myself I’l(l) stop, having kept 68 days for 30 dollars. Should have had $33 if I had kept through 78 days. I enjoy myself pretty well, I had very kind families to board at. Except (?). I believe the scholars especially the small ones liked me pretty well, & Sve Pember say I kept a first rate school. I might have done better if (?) I think. I had some very pretty scholars, especially (?) & (?) folks. Ain’t I old enough (?) The winter has thus passed swiftly but pleasantly away & though sometimes I have been almost (?) still I have got safely through, & should probably want to go into business next winter. I had some visitors in school the last week. Vig. Besty, Emily & Ellen Paine (see preceding page) …None of the district visited the school. Washburn visited it once (the town superintendent). The school house was not very warm and the wood was poor. But enough said about the school

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