Francis B. Paine
March 5th, 1848
March 5th 1848. The winter is over and gone. With the countless mass of buried ages it has mingled its fleeting moments & never save in memory’s visions will it return to us. Whatever we may have done either for good or evil never can be recalled. Shall what have we accomplished this past winter that will benefit ourselves or the world. What have I done. Have I when endeavoring to direct the youthful minds & teach their young ideas how to shout, ever expected myself to pursue a virtuous course, an exemplary path, and done my utmost to restrain all those under my temporary ease from a sinful course, & unrighteous habits into the right path, the narrow path, from which if they deviate then end will be death and ruin? Alas. To err is so much the habit of us poor creatures, that it cannot be but I too have gone astray from my duty. have done these things which I ought not have done & have failed to many things which I ought to have done. There is no health in me 3 months have I been placed in the responsible situation of instructor of immortal minds an ardent task it has been and how important, & now I have I discharged my duties? That my scholar did not make so much improvement as I desired in time but was is my fault or theirs? on their heads must rest much of the responsibility. But I am ready to take my share. But all those who had a desire to learn [Paine ARTHUR MOREY] did so & such it is a pleasure to instruct. But I dwell no longer on this point.
I closed my school last Friday. was glad to finish [.] it has been a long job, and now a great responsibility has ceased to be mine [.] have had 33 different scholars. only about 30 generally. Have had many pleasant times, and some not so when I have seen such inattention among large scholars who have greatly misspent many precious hours. (B)esides setting bad examples to the younger ones—Before dismissing I gave them a few words of advice I then closed by singing Unity—the boarding places have been excellent & have all used me well. But now farewell & to other prudents I must go.
I shall attend (I did yesterday) Mr. G. Hayes writing school.
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