Francis B. Paine
December 10th, 1846
December 10, 1846

Last Monday I commenced teaching school in four corner district (#5) in Randolph. The first day I had 22 scholars, the 2nd 23, the 3rd 24, being a daily increase of 1. The scholars seem well dispositioned & desirous to learn. They are generally pretty well advanced in the studies, considering their ages and privileges. There is a class of 3 in phylosophy, a large one in arithmetic (Adams) and one in Colburn’s mental arithmetic composed of small scholars. Some good ones in geography and they are generally good readers considering. The weather has been pleasant so far[.] I have boarded at Mr. Woodbury’s (the committe) two nights. They are a pleasant lively family and Mrs. W is very clean. Plummer Blake was there. Last night I boarded at Mr. H. Smith’s. We had a talk on various matters of reform. He is very radical. Mr.’s M. Murphy & P. Blake called in. We sang some. School keeping is rather hard work I find, but I intend to do my best.

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