Franics B. Paine
February 9th, 1847
Tuesday, February 9, 1847

Since I last wrote the time has passed rather pleasantly along, though the cares of a school teacher I feel to be great, and the labor hard; to keep order is to me rather the most unpleasant, though by using firmness & decision one can manage. There are many agreeable duties in my daily task, and then at night I can go to pleasant boarding places & be sociable & be happy there…One of my scholars Mary McMurphy is very sick I fear dangers, but hope not. She is a good girl (she is 24 years old). It has been a bad time for colds this winter….We had a spelling and speaking school last Friday night Ranny Green of our dist(rict) spelt them down. Some of the centre boys were noisy & tried to disturb us. The speaking was not as good as before the pieces were not well learnt. Mr. Chadwick’s

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