George A. Weeks
On His Visit to Charlotte
December 19, 1843
The subject I am now to write upon is a visit to Charlotte on the morning of the 18th of September 1843. My Mother John and I started on a short journey of about 20 miles. We were going to Charlotte. It was a very warm morning and we had not gone far before our horse lost off a shoe, and we had to stop and get one put on. We rode on and had not gone far and one of our waggon wheels came off and it frightened us very much; we got out and put it on again and John made a wooden linchpin and presently a boy came along with a little pup[p]y; I asked him how much he would take for it and he said one dollar but I did not buy him. By and by we came to cousin Charles’s and we had our horse taken care of. The next day I was sick Dr. Gaggest came and saw me and he gave me some medicine cured me. Thursday the 21 Ma and John and some others went to Burlington and they had a very good visit. The 22 we went to Mr. Beaches and from there to Mr. McCkiely and saw his green house ma got a very nice plant there. The 23 we started for home it was a very cloudy morning we stop[p]ed at a tavern and got a very nice dinner and before night we got home.
December 19, 1843
Salisbury vt
George A. Weeks

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