Religion The
subject I am about to write upon is religion, although there can a great
deal be said upon it I can say but little. Religion is needed the most
of any thing the greater part of the world are very far from being Christians,
some believe in Muhamedism others Paganism and others in the true god.
There are a great many that think more of this world than another yet
to come, but they are greatly mistaken I think. Those that are rich are
(more generally than the poor) very petulant and use a great deal of profane
language and in the next world they will be punished. While the Christians
are sitting on the right hand of God in heaven, let me add that it is
not riches that makes Christians but it is the heart and feeling and I
am sorry to say that one half of the people on this world are not Christians.
Farewell, Jan 30th, 1844