Anti-Eugenics Pamphlet

After decades of Eugenics as an accepted part of science, and a mainstay of popular fiction, the movement began to become discredited as people saw the danger of its political manifestations. These pamphlets are a facet of that rollback. These writers were motivated by the dangers of fascist countries fueled by racism and propelled towards war by leaders who justified their use of force through Eugenics.

Are We Aryan Satire

Eugenics Debate in Politics and Non-Fiction

Arbeit Macht Frei. These were the words that millions of prisoners read as they walked through the gates of Nazi concentration camps such as Dacheu and Aushwitz. Many would not walk back out.


Translated: Work will make you free

This pamphlet is a pre-WWII educated argument against the blind anti-Semitism that had become common across Europe and especially prevalent in Germany (as shown below).
There was a growing amount of eugenics-fueled racism in non-fiction print as well as popular dime novels. Sensational print and pictures mobilized irrational fears and hatreds among people that propeled aggressive nationalistic leaders to power in many European countries who were only to eager to play off those fears and eliminate "undesirables" both as scapegoats and out of an actual hatred.
work will make you free
This work points out the politically manipulative nature of racial appeals and the irony that the three axis nations all proclaimed to be the ideal race.
black reds
jewish peril

Although scientific advancements were starting to discredit the science behind eugenics by the 1930s, its notion of an elite race would characterize politics of the coming years and would ultimately thrust the world into the flames of war. Indeed, Hitler's assertion of the German’s as an Aryan "master race" are quite similar to Galton's beliefs. However, Hitler took his theoretical gradual extinction by no-reproduction and murdered millions of inferior's including Jews, Romas, Russians, and Poles in the quest for a pure German people and the "living space" they deserved.