Cell Biology Preface | Introduction to Problem Solving | Problem Sets | Acknowledgments |
5. (24 pts) Members of the giant algal genus, Nitella, exhibit a transmembrane potential of approximately -140 mV. If stimulated in an appropriate manner - electrically or by bending the long, narrow cell - the membrane potential changes as indicated in the figure below (where the arrow indicates the stimulus application). The ambient temperature is 18 oC.
The organism is commonly found in fresh-water ponds and streams, and one determination of the cytoplasmic and environmental concentration of the major ions yielded the following data:
Given your understanding of membrane potentials in other cells, answer all the following questions. (Note: the log of 1/14 is -1.15, of 14/1= 1.15; of 0.1/119 is -3.08, of 119/0.1 = 3.08; and of 1.2/65 is -1.7. of 65/1.2 = 1.7.)