index_img1.gif What Works?: New Strategies For a Melting Planet Conference Graphics
Introductions World Cafe The Process of Social Change with Mary Lou Finley of Antioch College and Bill Chaloupka of Colorado State University The Death of Environmentalism Building Strategies for the New Climate Movement and the "What Works" Project by Jonathan Isham, Professor at Middlebury College, the "What Works Project" & Middlebury Students Building of a National Civil Disobedience Campaign with Jihan Gearon of Redefining Progress' Environmental Justice & Climate Change Initiative and Billy Parish of The Climate Campaign & Energy Action Group Reflections on Civil Disobedience First Annual "Flat Earth" Award Announcement Photographs "Reflections on the Climate Crisis" with John Passacantando of Greenpeace USA Open Space Technology Session and Next Steps for the Climate Movement Closing Remarks Bill McKibben Middlebury College Scholar-in-Residence
Graphic Recordings
Joni Parker-Roach
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