Principal funding support for this long-term research program has been provided by the USDA Forest Service’s International Institute of Tropical Forestry, and by the ITTO-CITES Program for Implementing CITES Listings of Tropical Timber Species. This research has additionally been supported by a broad spectrum of public and private sources, including the USDA Forest Service’s International Programs, USAID Brazil, the Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation, and the International Tropical Timber Organization’s Fellowship Programme. In Acre, additional funding support was provided by the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (MMA) and WWF Brazil.
In southeast Pará, generous logistical support has been provided by the Marajoara field site owners, Sr. Claudiomar Vicente Kehrnvald (current) and Sr. Honorato Babinski (previous/Serraria Marajoara Ltda). To both we extend our sincere thanks and gratitude. Additional logistical support in this region was provided by Peracchi Ltda and Conservation International–Brazil. In Acre, logistical support was provided by the State Government of Acre’s Secretariat for Forestry & Extractivism (SEFE), the Technology Foundation for the State of Acre (FUNTAC), and the forest products companies Acre Brasil Verde and Laminados Triunfo Ltda.
We thank the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology (CNPq) for permission to conduct fieldwork, and the Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia (IMAZON) for providing institutional affiliation and collegial support, especially Edson Vidal, Paulo Barreto, and Adalberto Veríssimo.
We thank Marco Lentini and Johan Zweede at the Instituto Floresta Tropical (IFT) for institutional support and expertise, and Mark Schulze for keeping field studies on course. At IITF, Ariel Lugo’s vision and commitment to this research program made it possible. At Yale University, Mark Ashton and F. Herbert Bormann guided this program’s development. In southeast Pará, Jurandir Galvão was instrumental in setting up field studies and training field assistants for long-term studies. Mark Cochrane provided the original geospatial data that mapping studies were built upon. In Acre, nothing would have been possible without Frank Pantoja’s unflagging commitment and determination. In the field, we thank Miguel Alves de Jesus, Valdemir Ribeiro da Cruz, Maria Nascimento Rodrigues, Amildo Alves de Jesus, Ruberval Rodrigues Vitorino, Manoel Rodrigues Vitorino, and Antonio Barbosa Lopes for their dedication re-censusing trees and experiments. Additional contributions in the field were made by Denis Valle, Marcelo Galdino, Simone Bauch, and field assistants too numerous to list here. Ted Gullison kindly provided supporting data from field sites in Bolivia.

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