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Feb 3, 2007
your scores for all class requirements as well as your overall letter grades are available on the website now. The full version of the grade sheet is availalbe here:
https://segue.middlebury.edu/media/missing/filename/web_grade_sheet_full.htm%253C%252Fa%253E%253C%252Fspan%253E%253C%252Ffont%253E%253C%252Fdiv%253E%250A%253Cdiv%253E%253Cfont%2Bsize%253D"2" face="Arial" /> 
A shorter version with only percentages is available here:
https://segue.middlebury.edu/media/missing/filename/web_grade_sheet_brief.htm%253C%252Fa%253E%253C%252Fspan%253E%253C%252Ffont%253E%253C%252Fdiv%253E%250A%253Cdiv%253E%253Cfont%2Bsize%253D"2" face="Arial" /> 
Your overall letter grade was determined by the grading system I mentioned on the first day of classes and which is also posted on this website under "Course requirements and Grading".

Borderline cases are those when a student needs 0.1-0.2% to move one grade up. No upgrading is possible if you needed more than 0.2% to get to the next grade up.

Please look at your scores and let me  know if there are any mistakes or if I missed anything, before I officially submit the grades.
Again, let me thank you all for a wonderful course and I look forward to seeing you  all in the spring.

This class is officially OVER.

Jan 29, 2007
A few things to bear in mind for your presentations tomorrow.

First, you have only five minutes to do your presentation, followed by 2 minutes for questions. Please time yourself as you practice your presentation. Remember there's 13 of you, so we need to give everyone a chance to do their presentation. Please do not feel offended if I stopped you if you took more time than allowed. It's the only way to give equal opportunity to everybody.

Second, if you intend to use the computer or the projector, make sure you copy your materials on a flash drive (also called pen drive) or burn it onto a CD, so you can use that on my PC. We'll save time if we use only one PC than if each uses his/hers. Also, while it's ok to have notes in front of you, please avoid reading directly from those notes. A prsentation is an oral activity, not a reading activity. You can use the notes to organize your thoughts, though. 

Third, it's likely that Ikram and Hanada will stop by for a few of your presentations. Since most, if not all, of you know them, this shouldn't really affect your presentation in any way. They'll be sitting there to enjoy your presentations.

Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, do not stress yourself out over this. I know it's a course requirement, but you have do this as a "fun" assignment. Enjoy doing it, and show your colleagues and your teacher that you can actually use Arabic to talk about a topic of your choice for five minutes. Don't be intimidated and don't be afraid to make mistakes. We all make mistakes, and it's part of the learning process.

As usual, if you have questions from now till the time of presentation, please contact me. I'll also be in my office tomorrow for the regular office hours from 10:30am till noon. Drop by if you have any questions.

And one final thing: The order of presentation will be decided at the beginning of the class randomly. We'll use the same "select-a-number" process that we used before. If you select #1, you go first. IF you select #13, you go last.

Looking forward to your presentations.

Jan 28, 2007
In response to a question about Quiz #4, we will be having this quiz tomorrow as it is indicated on the syllabus page on the website. There's going to be a listening section. YOu will listen to short sentences and answer a question on each, pretty much like we did in class a couple of times. May I suggest that you listen to the vocabulary and example sentences on your DVD for the three units we studied? That should help. There's also going to be mulitple choice questions on the past tense and the numbers from Unit 8. For extra credit, I'll include a question on the root and pattern of Arabic words, pretty much along the lines in your homework #12.

Jan 24, 2007
I guess I forgot to mention today's homework in class, but it is mentioned explicitly on the handout. It's a listening exercise: Drill 16, p. 141.

Jan 18, 2007
Just a quick note to let you know that I updated the website. In particular, I updated the grade sheet with scores for all homework assignments and quizzes up this point. The direct link is here:
https://segue.middlebury.edu/media/missing/filename/web_grade_sheet.htm%253C%252Fa%253E%253C%252Fspan%253E%253C%252Ffont%253E%253C%252Fdiv%253E%250A%253Cdiv%253E%253Cfont%2Bsize%253D"2" face="Arial"> 
I also updated the syllabus page with the vocabulary sheets we generated in some of the classes, as some of you requested. These are listed in the table as "Class-generated vocabulary sheet". The direct link to syllabus page is here:
site ?&section=15827&action=site">https://segue.middlebury.edu/view/html/node/615640
Also, the sheet with fruit names with short vowel diacritics is here:
https://segue.middlebury.edu/media/missing/filename/fruit_names.pdf%253C%252Fa%253E%253C%252Ffont%253E%253C%252Ffont%253E%253C%252Fspan%253E%253C%252Fdiv%253E%250A%253Cdiv%253E%253Cfont%2Bsize%253D"2" face="Arial"> 
As usual, if you have any questions or requests, don't hesitate to contact me.

Jan 17, 2007
I posted your scores online using the fruit codes that I distributed in class yesterday. You can regularly check your scores for homework assignments and quizzes here.

Jan 15, 2007

Make-up class will be held on Friday Jan 19 from 10am till noon. I'll send a note regarding the location of the class once I hear from the room scheduling people.

Jan 11, 2007
Your final exam will be held on Jan 31st from10am till noon.

Jan 10, 2007

Notice from the syllabus that your first quiz is tomorrow.
Special offer عرض خاص: Keep a journal in Arabic on a daily basis for 3% extra credit. Submit that to me Jan 30th to collect your reward!