Slides for Lecture 1: Introduction_1: Adminisrivia; linguistic diversity in the world, the language vs. dialect debate
Slides for Lecture 2: Introduction_2: Types of cross-linguisic similarity (genetic, areal, and typological); language universals (absolute and implicational)
Slides for Lecture 3: Word order, formalism vs. functionalism, and unconscious linguistic knowledge
Slides for Lecture 4: Language as a biological system, principles and parameters.
Slides for Lecture 5: structure-dependency; the null subject parameter, and the head directionality parameter
Slides for Lecture 6: Head directionality cont., syntax (constituency, phrase structure), VSO order (Welsh), verb placement in English/French/German
Slides for Lecture 7: VOS, OVS, and OSV orders; Baker's parameter hierarchy; verb serialization
Slides for Lecture 8: The serial verb parameter; morphological typology, the polysynthesis parameter (Mohawk)
Slides for Lecture 9: More on Mohawk and polysynthesis
Slides for Lecture 10: Chichewa, Slave, and non-existence of Reverse Chichewa
Slides for Lecture 11: Adj neutralization; the ergative case parameter, topic-prominence; the wh-parameter, the anaphor domain parameter
Slides for Lecture 12: Setting parameters: the anaphor domain parameter, the null subject parameter. Wrap-up: Why parameters?
Slides for Lecture 13: Wrap-up cont.; further aspects of morphological typology: case and agreement, tense, aspect, mood, and modality.
Slides for Lecture 14: Language change: lexical, semantic and morphological aspects
Slides for Lecture 15: Language change cont.: syntactic and phonological aspects; lexical diffusion
Slides for Lecture 16: A brief introduction to historical linguisics, reconstruction, the comparative method.
Slides for Lecture 17: Why do languages change? A parametric approach to language change: Baker, Lightfoot, and Kroch
Slides for Lecture 18: Language and dialect again, dialectal variation of English: lexical, phonological, morphological, and syntactic variation
Slides for Lecture 19: The standard-nonstandard distinction; debunking popular beliefs about language variation; African American English
Slides for Lecture 20: Chicano English; situation-based language variation: styles and jargons; language and gender
Slides for Lecture 21: Language emergence: Pidgins and Creoles
Slides for Lecture 22: Sign languages as natural languages: phonology, morphology, and syntax
Slides for Lecture 23: Language death/extinction/loss: moribund, endangered, and safe languages
Slides for Lecture 24: Review and Farewell
added on 2006-09-14 at 6:43 pm
updated on 2009-02-09 at 11:42 pm