Image Manipulation :

Much of the editing of an image can be automated with actions. Photoshop 4 comes with some predefined actions. Select an action and click on the play button to activate it. To create actions select New Action from the Actions palette and Photoshop will record every action you do until you click on the stop button. Please study the image below carefully before you read on.



1. Open tiger.PSD from the tutorial images you downloaded (see: Download).

2. Reduce its size to 200 pixels wide.

3. Select a portion of the image and make a vignette around the outside of your selection by using the Vignette action.

4. Click on File > Revert to return to the original image.

5. Try recording your own action - click on the play button on upper-right hand corner of the Actions palette, and choose New Action. Perform the desired actions, and click on the stop button when you are finished.


Layering Images

Using the Actions Palette
Adding text to Images

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