Middlebury Project:
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Middlebury: Town and College
Cultural Influence (cont'd)

Commencement and the quarterly exhibitions of each college class were exciting activities that attracted packed houses of enthusiastic local inhabitants, and Commencement Day was a town holiday. Banks closed and the streets clogged with area residents and alumni eagerly awaiting the colorful parade from the college to the Congregational Church, the oratorical masterpieces of the scrupulously prepared graduates and the accompanying social activities

Faculty members and village residents also organized private cultural groups such as the Hawthorne Club and Euterpe Club and worked together on plays, concerts, and other events. Members of these clubs, usually lawyers, doctors, well-to-do farmers, and leading businessmen, entertained students and faculty
on various occasions. This allowed the college men to mix socially with towngirls, and romantic relationships often ensued. ==>
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