Middlebury Project:
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Middlebury: Town and College
Cultural Influence

The college's accessibility, both in terms of location and cost, lend some support to the claim that Addison county had a larger percentage of citizens attending college than any county in the nation. Had it not been for Middlebury's proximity, many of the local farmers would not have been able to afford to send their sons to college.
It is estimated that of the students who graduated before 1840 about 24 per cent stayed in Vermont and made important contributions to social and cultural life as statesmen, lawyers, doctors, ministers, teachers and businessmen5.
The influence of the college, however, was even more profound thanks to the heavy involvement of the professors in the town affairs. For instance professor Hall helped to edit the Literary and Philosophical Repertory, a local journal that published scientific and literary articles of a fairly sophisticated nature.

